This small shop run by two Japanese, Minako Ito and Yasuyuki Nakazono, is not really a second hand store, but we still classify it in our vintage places. There is an incredible collection of cute little pendants vintage-inspired displayed in the shop.
All details
Address: 7 rue Malher - 75004
Stations: Saint Paul
Opening hours Monday from 1.30pm to 5pm. From Tuesday to Friday from 00.30pm -7pm. Dimanche 14h-19h
Phone number: +33 (0) 142 715 889
Available for Women
Consignment Shop: No
Pricing: €€
What's in there: Many vintage-inspired jewelry (mostly 70's and 80's), and some clothes.
Founded in: October 2000
Tips: Nice, but communication a little difficult if you don't know Japanese language!
Disadvantages: There is no fitting room.