Chine Machine
Chine Machine is one of the most colorful and trendiest second hand shops from the neighborhood.
Greeted by a very international staff, there are plenty of wonders from 5€ to 10 €,
All details
Address: 100 rue des Martyrs et petite boutique 22 rue la Vieuville
Stations: Abbesses
Opening hours From Monday to Sunday from noon to 8pm.
Phone number: +33 (0) 142 523 724
Available for Men, Women
Clothes origin / restocking: Deposit and from creators
Consignment Shop: Deposit only on Monday and Thursday.
Pricing: €€
What's in there: Clothes, shoes and accessories
Founded in: 2009
Atmosphere: Very vintage
We like: We can customize clothes and accessories from our choice.
Disadvantages: 25€ of purchase minimum to pay by card.
Opportunity to meet: Héléna Noguerra, a neighbor and a regular.