Kiloshop (Rive Gauche)
All details
Address: 125 Boulevard Saint Germain - 75006
Stations: Mabillon, Odéon, St-Germain-des-Près
Opening hours From Monday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm, and on Sunday from 1pm to 9pm.
Phone number: +33 (0) 143 260 036
Available for Men, Women, Kids
Consignment Shop: No
Pricing: €€
What's in there: 20 000 tons of clothes and accessories! Each item has a red or green chip. Red chip equals to 20€ per kilos and green chip equals to 30€ per kilos. There are Levis jeans at 14€, skirts at 13 €, leather jackets at 40€, dresses at 8€, sweaters at 6€, shoes at 10€, t-shirts at 5€. You could also find here some vintage clothes recycled at very attractive prices ( Ralph Lauren jacket at 79€, Pilote leather jacket à 85€...
Founded in: September 2012
Opportunity to meet: Lots of tourists!!